
RMD Physical

Improve trade execution and risk control in commodity paper markets by utilising our efficient and transparent price matching tool

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What is
RMD Physical

RMD Physical is a web and mobile Commodity price matching and deal facilitation platform, that provides transparent price discovery and with a pre-trade credit control solution for enhanced regulatory compliance.

Why RMD Physical

Efficient price discovery and matching with seamless switching between desktop and mobile apps

What Makes Us

Improves the current workflow of the market along with adding counterparty review and control tools for additional compliance and risk management.

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Value Add

How We
Add Value


Risk Managers:

Pre-trade control on limits

Post-trade tools for analysis



View all negotiations in a single tab

Efficient single or bulk order entry



Improved time and relationship management

Offer more products with minimal increased workload


Redfin perch tripod fish zebra lionfish, nase slickhead! Jewelfish angler Devario gray
reef shark forehead brooder.

Arnoud Balhuizen
former Global CCO BHP Billiton

It is great to see RMD Physical bringing in the must needed pre-trade controls for the physical commodity markets. Transparency in price discovery and trade execution will be enhanced by increased communication efficiency.

All this will help the industry in following the regulators and financial sector requirements to better understand the traders’ corporate governance, risk management practices, business and transactions.

Lars Rosenkrands
Partner Incremental Capital Partners LLC

RMD Physical is the perfect example of a CaaS company: Compliance as a Service!

Samir Neji
Founder, #dltledgers

What’s been missing until now is digitisation and control within the pre-trade process. RMD Physical is filling this void. We are looking forward to integrating with them, further strengthening Singapore’s position as a global leader in commodity trade and finance innovation.”

Govindbhai G Patel
Owner GGN Group

RMD Physical is bringing in some much needed change in the way how we communicate and execute in the brokerage business.

We welcome this, as it enhances the value of our product offering by becoming even more secure, transparent and complaint to the ever increasing regulatory requirements that we as brokers have to adhere to

Samir Desai
COO PVO, Director Goodhope & board member PORAM

RMD Physical is bringing a great concept to provide a platform for buyers and sellers for best price discovery, especially for non liquid/non transparent cash markets.
Risk management and traceability are added tools available which are absent in conventional trading.
We see this as a gap filler between today and the future on many aspects of trading.